August 4, 2021

Foydalanuvchilar bilan qanday gaplashish kerak?

Ushbu leksiyada Erik Migikovskiy tadbirkorlar o'z mijozlari/ foydalanuvchilar bilan qanday aloqa qilishi kerakligi haqida ma'lumot beradi.

Erik Migikovskiy - Ycombinator asoschilaridan biri, 2011-yilda aqlli soatlar ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan Pebble startupning asoschisi.

Har qanday startup uchun foydalanuvchilar bilan aloqa o'rnatish loyiha muvaffaqyati uchun muhim faktorlardan biri. Eng yaxshi asoschilar butun kompaniya hayoti davomida o'z foydalanuvchilari bilan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri aloqa o'rnatadilar, to'g'ridan -to'g'ri aloqani saqlab qoladi. Chunki kompaniya faoliyatining har qanday bosqichida foydalanuvchilardan ma'lumot olib turish shart.

Foydanuvchilardan ma'lumot bevosita intervyu o'tkazish orqali olinadi. Interview o'tkazish jarayonida 3 ta xatoni qilmaslik kerak:

  1. O'z g'oyang haqida gapirma / loyihangni reklama qilishga urinma - foydalanuvchidan muammo haqida so'ra;
  2. Yangi imkoniyatlarni gapirma - allaqachon foydalanuvchi ishlatib ko'rgan funskiya haqida so'ra;
  3. Kamroq gapir - mijozni ko'proq eshit.

Foydanuvchidan intervyu davomida so'rash muhim bo'lgan 5 ta savol:

  1. [biro harakatni] bajarish jarayonida eng qiyin / muammoli qismi nima bo'ldi?
  2. Ushbu muammoga qachon duch kelding?
  3. Nega bu muammo sodir bo'ldi?
  4. Shu muammoni yechish uchun nimadri qildingmi, agar qilgan bo'lsang aynan nima qilding?
  5. O'zign topgan yechimning nimasi senga ma'qul emas?

Muvaffaqiyatli intervyu uchun tavsiyalar:

  • Muhim o'rinlarni yozib oling

Imkon qadar foydabuvchining gaplarini batafsil yozib oling. Intervyuning qaysi qismi foydali bo'lishi mumkinligini keyinroq bilasiz. Imkoni bo'lsa suhbatni yozib oling

  • Tabiiy, erkin, rasmiyatchiliksiz suhbat qiling.

Suhbatni oldindan rejalashtirish shart emas. O'zingizni erkin tuting. Foydalanuvchilarning 10-15 daqiqasida juda ko'p ma'lumot olish mumkin. Bir vaqtning o'zida yuzlab foydalanuvchilar bilan intervyu qilishingiz kerak deb o'ylamang. Bittadan boshlang, uchdan boshlang, beshdan boshlang. Son muhim emas.

  • Vaqtga ehtiyot bo'ling

O'zingizning ham, suhbatdoshning ham vaqtini isrof qilmang. 5-10 daqiqa yetarli.

Prototip bosqichida intervyu:

As you move past the idea stage into testing your prototype with users, the next major kind of benefit that you can get from talking to users is figuring out who will be your best first customer. If you choose the wrong first customer, that you may be led down a path that constrains you or artificially traps you without actually getting paid by that first customer. How? The best first customers being at the centre of the Venn diagram where they have the highest numerical answers to the three questions - Find numerical answers to:

- How much does this problem cost them? (severity of pain)

- how much does this problem cost them today?

- how much revenue do they stand to earn if they solve this problem ?

- how much expense do they currently spend trying to solve this problem?

- How much money is wasted today as they try to solve this problem ?

- How frequent is the problem? (frequency) The best problems that startups can target are ones that are encountered more frequently. This is usually beneficial for two reasons - One is, they encounter a problem on a more regular basis. It means that the customer's feeling the pain of that problem on a more regular basis, and they'll be much more receptive to a potential solution. The second reason why you want to tackle a problem that people encounter on a more frequent basis is, you'll get more chances to know whether your product is actually solving a problem

- How large is their budget? (ability to fix?) Make sure that you're asking questions about whether they actually have the ability to solve the problem, given the choice (budget, authority)

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